550 degrees Fahrenheit = 287 degrees Centigrade
The morning after the kiln is shut down the investment molds are unloaded.  They are still hot, about 550° F, so they must be handled with heat-resistant safety gear. 

Jon and Winter are gently placing one of the molds into a trench dug into the sand.
Any guesses as to why there are bricks on top of the molds?
If a mold were to spring a leak during the bronze pour the surrounding sand will keep the molten bronze safely contained.

A good bit of sand is being shoveled and tossed around, and some of it could end up in a mold.
Dustin and Winter are placing the last mold in the sand as Laura and Courtney stand by to fill the trench and Beth rakes the sand out smooth.
Don Dougan  -  sculptor